

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cohen is 3!!

We started out Cohen's Birthday week with a little family party at Grandpa Dave and Grandma Kelly's house. All of the Olson side of the family came, it was very fun!

Piggy Bank from Grandma and Grandpa

Briggs wanted in on the action

This green blur is a fuzzy monster backpack from the Lathams.
Nom Nom Nom 

Super excited about his minion shirt!

Opening the "BIG ONE"!!

An easel from Grandma and Grandpa!

The birthday kiddos! Only 4 days apart!

Blowing out his Pirate Jake birthday cake!

Such a fun night with the Alters/Olson/Wagstaff/Latham/Farmers.
There will be more to come from this little 3 year old's birthday week!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Catching up.

I am clearly not a very good "blogger" but at least I am trying.. :)
Since my last post we have had a few big things happen in our little family.
We have a new 2 new additions to the family, one of them being not so new..

We are so happy to have these fun new additions. Cohen on the other hand isn't so sure yet. He likes them until they get too close to him, Briggs on the other hand doesn't care what the animals do to him, he just takes it.

Matt started his new job back in August and is loving it! Which makes me so happy. He has gotten a promotion already and people are taking notice in him. I can't wait to see where this company takes him!! 

Cohen turns 3 next Friday!!!!! I can't believe he is already 3!! Time goes by WAY too fast! Some of the things that he has been loving lately include...
Toy Story 1 & 2
Monsters Inc. 
Monsters Univeristy
The color Red
Anything that Matt does
Shoveling snow, dirt, rocks..Basically anything that can be shoveled.
Playing Hide and Seek
Going to Nursery
Pestering/playing with Briggs and Sulley
And many other things...He is so much fun, but is starting to get to the age where he wants to test my patience :) 

Briggs is 10 months old, and I have no idea where the time went! I sometimes wish I could go back to the magical day when we were at the hospital and meeting for the first time on this earth. 
He is starting to show his little personality more and more. He is so playful and smiley! Just looking at him will provoke a smile from his sweet little face. He is a gigantic Mama's boy, which I love most of the time, Matt on the other hand gets so excited when Briggs wants to cuddle with him. He also took his first 2 steps by himself yesterday, and today has upped it to 4 steps! So proud of him! 

We had some family pictures taken by our amazing sister/in-law Kelsie. She always does such a great job. Thanks again.

Briggs was not so happy at the end of this shoot.. poor thing, it was so cold!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

New Adventures

This is my second attempt at blogging... Hopefully this one goes a little bit better than the last one.

I have recently become a stay at home mommy and I am loving it!
We also just moved into our new home in HEBER CITY UTAH. Can't believe I live out here... It has always been a final destination for Matt and I, we never thought we would be here so soon! We feel so lucky.. 
Unfortunately after 2 weeks of moving here, Matt lost his job (that we moved here for) and we were a little flipped upside down. Luckily Matt has an amazing personality and an even more amazing drive in him, and he was able to find a job after just 2 weeks of being unemployed. Such a blessing! 

I have also started to babysit a cute little boy named Sawyer. Cohen and him get along pretty well for the most part...boys will be boys HAHA. 

Briggs is getting SO big! I can't believe his already 7.5 months old! ugh.. I hate when my babies get big.. He is starting to pull himself up, and he is crawling EVERYWHERE. He is a definite mama's boy, and is one of the happiest babies I have ever seen! 

Cohen is starting to get into the "terrible twos" stage, but for the most part he is one awesome kid. He is in love with homemade strawberry jam sandwiches..he eats about 4 a day. I know Mother of the Year... haha. 

Here's to another blog :)